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Kingdom Culture and Personal Revival School

Testimonies from KCPR Students

Because of past trauma and the recent loss of my mother, when I came to KCPR, I was dead. I was an empty shell, broken, anxious, disappointed, and hopeless. I could not see anything in my future. It was hard for me to live one day at a time. I wanted God to bring me joy again, but I didn't know how. From the first session, He brought me back to life! He called me out of the tomb, like Lazarus. And now I am alive again! God gave me hope and joy! He restored my identity in Him and rebuilt my image of Him as a God who takes care of me.

Maria, 29, Abrud, Music Teacher

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When I first heard about KCPR, I was at a point in my life when I felt like my spiritual foundation was degrading. I felt fragmented, like a puzzle that was not put together. KCPR brought the pieces together for me. 

Aaron, 41, Cluj Napoca, Small Business Owner

This school changed my life completely. When I started, I was emotionally dead. During KCPR, my life took a 180-degree turn, and I was brought back to life! I learned so much from each lesson. I learned what I didn’t learn in 38 years of walking with the Lord. I am so thankful for how God loves me. He restored my emotions and my perceptions about myself and the people around me.

Andreia, 38, Hunedoara, Factory Worker


Before starting school, I was so insecure and full of fear. During KCPR, God made His unconditional love flow over my life. It wasn't easy. I had to learn to get out of my comfort zone to receive His love for me. Now, I live with an authentic relationship with the Holy Spirit. I am overwhelmed and amazed by His presence and His amazing love for me.

Toni, 21, Arad, Mechanic

When I started KCPR, I was a dead Lazurus with many bandages. When I came to the first in-person encounter weekend, I was unsure of what I could possibly receive because I had already received new peace and joy. To my surprise, the Lord did complete surgery on my heart and soul. I went home a completely different person. I experienced the love of the Father and the restoration of my relationship with God. I’m now able to give to others the love I received from My Father.

Mihaela, 46, Bistrița, Nail Technician

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I learned a lot through KCPR, and many things changed in me. Before the school, I walked alone and relied on my own strength. I was on the right path, but it was so hard going alone. In KCPR, I learned I can lean on His grace, and with Him, everything is possible.

Christian, 45, Cluj Napoca, Entrepreneur

I enrolled in the school because I needed a change. I was confused about my ministry and my life. Through KCPR, I received a lot of clarity about things that were holding me back. I discovered the strongholds in my life, and God set me free from them. The one-on-one discipleship meetings helped me a lot. I discovered I was believing a lot of lies, but the truth set me free!

Anca, 30, Craiova, Missionary

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It is hard to put into words what I experienced through this school. When I started KCPR, I was a broken and wounded person struggling to survive. During KCPR, I was healed and restored. I feel like I was born again. Each one-on-one meeting, small group, and teaching session meant so much to me. 

Iulia, 40, Oradea, Social Worker

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It’s Time for You to Arise and Shine and Step into the Glory of the Lord!  

It’s Time for the Glory of the Lord to Arise Across Romania! 

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